Secession 2026


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donald trump

The Cure

(disables  5G tower for 110 hours, can be played via phone if not memorized)

Creator > Creation
If you add 1 to one side of the equation, must add to other side too.

If IKEA includes an instuction manual with its furniture, there must be a manual for life since..
God > IKEA

The kid knows 0 arabic, son of a freemason Iraq veteran, and is one of millions of copies of that manual.


donald trump

Save The Children!


"He who amongst you would survive to see the dajjal (antichrist) should recite over it the opening verses of chapter 18."

- Prophet Muhammad

The holy update is ready for install.

(written revelation of Moses)

(traditions of Jesus' gospel)
VR  headsets

(rhyming recitation of Muhammad)

If no books remained, the Quran still lives through the voice of man because our prayers require the recitation.

Don't be fooled by the critics.

donald trump

Meanings get lost in translation.

1. Kill (or pay an assassin)
2. Engage (in discussion)
3. Fight
4. Understand

How do we guide someone we don't discuss with/understand?

I don't see Alex Jones invading anyone's territory.

Forgiveness is the true teaching.


donald trump


Cleanse your third eye.

The more you drain it, the harder it becomes to recharge.

Matthew 26:39- Jesus "fell with his face to the ground"
Numbers 20:6 - Moses & Aaron "fell on their faces"

"Muhammad" in arabic looks like the prostration sequence.

Why "The Cave"?

In the Quran, Allah is referred to as "He" because there is no translation for the masculine "it" as found in the Arabic Quran. In conversation it is best not to use "He" because it creates an image to the subconcious that God is a man.

"The Stress Free Zone"

"Abraham raised the foundation of the house (kaaba) with Ishmael."
Quran 2:127

A hexagon is a flat cube.

In the Quran, the kaaba is mentioned two times (5:97) (22:26) as ٱلۡكَعۡبَةِ

"Kaa-Ba-Ti" is a feminine noun.

Masculine genitals protrude,
feminine do not.

7 circles @ sunrise for sisters,
@ sunset for brothers.


The best knowledge is in a book.
The best mosque is in a park. 

Verse of the Throne

(destroys graphene from vaccines)

(makes a nice phone wallpaper)